I am in agreement on the idea of more delicate phrasing towards more socially-normalised and acceptable phrases. For extra clarity—this place (lesswrong) is a garden of niceness, try to make whatever you say be and sound a few levels nicer; wherever possible. (this is not the first time I have pointed something out in your direction of this nature)
I am not sure if you put into action the idea of being more delicate when I previously mentioned it, if not—I would like to encourage you to try it; if you had—I would suggest that you need to try even harder to be more delicate.
I am in agreement on the idea of more delicate phrasing towards more socially-normalised and acceptable phrases. For extra clarity—this place (lesswrong) is a garden of niceness, try to make whatever you say be and sound a few levels nicer; wherever possible. (this is not the first time I have pointed something out in your direction of this nature)
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I am not sure if you put into action the idea of being more delicate when I previously mentioned it, if not—I would like to encourage you to try it; if you had—I would suggest that you need to try even harder to be more delicate.