If, by a reduction of “I” to a pattern, you stop being a moral subject, then surely to all other people you can apply the same reduction and they stop being moral subjects too.
True, but there are also the questions of, should I try to ensure that exactly one of myself exists at any given moment? Instead of just trying to preserve my body, should I be content with just creating a million copies of my mind in some simulation, apathetic to whether or not my “original” still exists anywhere? Or should I be content with creating agents that aren’t like me and don’t have my exact history of experiences, but have the same goals as I do? It seems that these issues depend on sort of dualist questions of mind and whether or not there is moral value assigned to preserving this “self”.
If, by a reduction of “I” to a pattern, you stop being a moral subject, then surely to all other people you can apply the same reduction and they stop being moral subjects too.
True, but there are also the questions of, should I try to ensure that exactly one of myself exists at any given moment? Instead of just trying to preserve my body, should I be content with just creating a million copies of my mind in some simulation, apathetic to whether or not my “original” still exists anywhere? Or should I be content with creating agents that aren’t like me and don’t have my exact history of experiences, but have the same goals as I do? It seems that these issues depend on sort of dualist questions of mind and whether or not there is moral value assigned to preserving this “self”.