Kräht der Hahn am Mist, ändert sich’s Wetter oder es bleibt wie’s ist.
-- Common German folk saying
Translates as “If the rooster crows on the manure pile, the weather will change or stay as it is.” In other words, P(W|R) = P(W) when W is uncorrelated with R.
-- Common German folk saying
Translates as “If the rooster crows on the manure pile, the weather will change or stay as it is.” In other words, P(W|R) = P(W) when W is uncorrelated with R.
Another good one:
“If it’s bright and clear on New Year’s Eve, the next day will be New Year’s.”
I’ll chip in with this Russian saying:
“It is better to be rich and healthy than to be poor and sick!”
Woody Allen had a take on it too:
Als het regent in mei, is april al voorbij. (If it rains in May, April is already past)