it was bad to make people admit to illegal activities
You could use randomized response method for this question or any other controversial question (for the type of questions that are technically feasible, of course).
Admitting to taking medication for treatment of a mental condition can be verybad for your career. If these questions are asked, the results should be segregated from other columns to prevent deanonymization.
I would personally be interested in more detailed drug use questions. Examplae. In the Past year have you taken:
-Amphetamine (of any sort including Adderall)
-Heroine/Other Opiates (not prescribed by a doctor as a painkiller) -Marijuanna
-Hallucinogens (LSD/DMT/Psychobillin)
-Testosterone/HGH (if you took testosterone because you are transexual do not click yes)
Maybe there is a better list of drugs?
I had this last time, and several people told me to take it off because it was bad to make people admit to illegal activities.
Also, for complicated reasons I can’t do “Check as many as apply” questions, so this would take forever.
Well, nicotine, caffeine and alcohol are legal in jurisdictions most LWers come from, so you could at least ask about those.
You could use randomized response method for this question or any other controversial question (for the type of questions that are technically feasible, of course).
Wouldn’t that make it pretty much useless for anything other than estimating the number of people who would answer in a certain way?
Alcohol too.
Let’s see …
Cannabis (marijuana, hashish, hash oil, Marinol, etc.)
Amphetamines (including Adderall)
Eugeroics (wakefulness drugs — modafinil and its ilk)
Sedatives (e.g. benzodiazepines including Valium, Klonopin)
Hypnotics (sleep drugs, e.g. Ambien, Lunesta)
Opiates (heroin, morphine, oxycodone)
Psychedelics (LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, DMT)
Dissociatives (DXM, ketamine, nitrous oxide)
Deliriants (belladonna, brugmansia, datura)
Entactogens (MDMA, etc.)
Medical antidepressants (SSRIs, etc.)
Herbal antidepressants (St. John’s wort, ashwagandha, rhodiola)
Serotonin precursors (L-tryptophan, 5-HTP)
GABA-β agonists (phenibut, gabapentin)
Aphrodisiacs (yohimbine, etc.)
Vasodilators (Viagra, amyl nitrite, etc.)
Admitting to taking medication for treatment of a mental condition can be very bad for your career. If these questions are asked, the results should be segregated from other columns to prevent deanonymization.
Admitting to taking illegal drugs can be, too. Some forms of prejudice are even more institutionalized than others.
Idk how long of a question Scott Wants this to be. If Scott is ok with a very long list than I too would prefer that. You list looks reasonably good.
Though I would include testosterone. People take this for reasons other than muscle growth.