A concrete example of this is work he did for the movie I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell, starring Tucker Max.
I think it’s important to note that the movie was a box office failure. That’s not the only thing that counts, Max was probably glad to be interviewed by the Post regardless, but it does seem like Holiday’s approach failed at its main goal. Or if the Post coverage really was the main goal, then it’s less obvious why we should care.
Does Holiday ever address this?
(Unimportant nitpick: Max wrote the book and cowrote the film, but didn’t star in it.)
He does, but it’s a weak reply, in my opinion. He claims that the viral marketing campaign was supposed to be only a part of the overall marketing, but that due to factors outside of his control, the funding for the more traditional marketing campaign fell through, and that the viral marketing campaign ended up being the entire marketing campaign for the movie.
I think it’s important to note that the movie was a box office failure. That’s not the only thing that counts, Max was probably glad to be interviewed by the Post regardless, but it does seem like Holiday’s approach failed at its main goal. Or if the Post coverage really was the main goal, then it’s less obvious why we should care.
Does Holiday ever address this?
(Unimportant nitpick: Max wrote the book and cowrote the film, but didn’t star in it.)
He does, but it’s a weak reply, in my opinion. He claims that the viral marketing campaign was supposed to be only a part of the overall marketing, but that due to factors outside of his control, the funding for the more traditional marketing campaign fell through, and that the viral marketing campaign ended up being the entire marketing campaign for the movie.