So what I meant, and what the text now says now without the term, is “not postulating causal power in addition to the laws of physics”.
Oh I see. Yeah, that’s an unconventianal use of “physicalism” I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before.
Using the conventional philosophical language, or at least the one supported by Wikipedia and search engines, Camp 1 maps pretty well to monist materialism aka physicalism, while Camp 2 is everything else: all kinds of metaphysical pluralism, dualism, idealism and more exotictypes ofmonism.
Anyway, then indeed, camp one is all the way for me. While I’m still a bit worried that people using such a broad definitions will miss the important nuance it’s a very good first approximation.
Oh I see. Yeah, that’s an unconventianal use of “physicalism” I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before.
Using the conventional philosophical language, or at least the one supported by Wikipedia and search engines, Camp 1 maps pretty well to monist materialism aka physicalism, while Camp 2 is everything else: all kinds of metaphysical pluralism, dualism, idealism and more exotic types of monism.
Anyway, then indeed, camp one is all the way for me. While I’m still a bit worried that people using such a broad definitions will miss the important nuance it’s a very good first approximation.