I’ve been predicted! This almost exactly describes what I’ve been up to recently… (Will make a post for it later. Still far too rough to show off. Anyone encountering this comment in 2016 or later should see a link in my profile. Otherwise, message me.)
Edit: Still very rough, and I ended up going in a slightly different direction than I’d hoped. Strange looking at how much my thoughts of it changed in a mere two months. Here it is
I’ve been predicted! This almost exactly describes what I’ve been up to recently… (Will make a post for it later. Still far too rough to show off. Anyone encountering this comment in 2016 or later should see a link in my profile. Otherwise, message me.)
Edit: Still very rough, and I ended up going in a slightly different direction than I’d hoped. Strange looking at how much my thoughts of it changed in a mere two months. Here it is