With the power of a controllable superintelligent AI, it may even be possible to create very accurate instances of your past self (and you could take action today or in the near future to make this easier by using lifelogging tools such as these glasses).
Last updated: 2022-12-01
EtA: now also documenting on http://wiki.lessdead.com/
Note: I’m currently trying to just document everything I find.
Main topic
The case for lifelogging as life extension
Is cryonics necessary?: Writing yourself into the future
How Complex Are Individual Differences? (I haven’t read it yet)
The Terasem Mind Uploading Experiment
Mindfiles, Mindware and Mindclones
Lifelogging: the recording device (some comments are still relevant, but I only skimmed them)
You Only Live Twice: A Computer Simulation of the Past Could be Used for Technological Resurrection
The First Immortal
Poll: What value extra copies? (2010-06-22)
new one: My guide to lifelogging by Matthew Barnett
update: also see my Lifelogging guide