You are either not understanding, or not wanting to understand, the difference between the score on a reliable IQ test and the SAT scores of just the LWers who took a SAT. Obviously, an IQ test is a much better indicator, also SAT is only available for people in the US. Also, the responses I’m getting are already very different from the survey.
JCTI’s reliability is verifiable from the link, even though the other test’s is not.
sitting around talking about how smart we are doesn’t send signals to onlookers that I think are in the best interests of LessWrong.
Investigating a phenomena is what we are about. I don’t see a logically valid reason to not investigate this one, especially if previous data suggests an abnormally high level. This holds true even if the concept of IQ is invalid, as long as it is measurable.
I agree with your overall point, though it’s worth pointing out that the best (i.e. most g-loaded) IQ tests, such as Raven’s Progressive Matrices and WAIS, have higher g loadings than the SAT.
You are either not understanding, or not wanting to understand, the difference between the score on a reliable IQ test and the SAT scores of just the LWers who took a SAT. Obviously, an IQ test is a much better indicator, also SAT is only available for people in the US. Also, the responses I’m getting are already very different from the survey.
JCTI’s reliability is verifiable from the link, even though the other test’s is not.
Investigating a phenomena is what we are about. I don’t see a logically valid reason to not investigate this one, especially if previous data suggests an abnormally high level. This holds true even if the concept of IQ is invalid, as long as it is measurable.
I have said all I wish to on this topic and others are expressing any points I would make. I am now tapping out.
I don’t think that’s true. It’s my impression that the SAT correlates with IQ tests about as much as IQ tests correlate with each other.
On IQ and SAT correlations:
Meanwhile, the correlation between the Stanford-Binet test and Raven’s is about .72.
I agree with your overall point, though it’s worth pointing out that the best (i.e. most g-loaded) IQ tests, such as Raven’s Progressive Matrices and WAIS, have higher g loadings than the SAT.