Obviously, an IQ test is a much better indicator
I don’t think that’s true. It’s my impression that the SAT correlates with IQ tests about as much as IQ tests correlate with each other.
On IQ and SAT correlations:
The short answer is that IQ and SAT scores are very highly correlated, with a range between .53 and .82
Meanwhile, the correlation between the Stanford-Binet test and Raven’s is about .72.
I agree with your overall point, though it’s worth pointing out that the best (i.e. most g-loaded) IQ tests, such as Raven’s Progressive Matrices and WAIS, have higher g loadings than the SAT.
I don’t think that’s true. It’s my impression that the SAT correlates with IQ tests about as much as IQ tests correlate with each other.
On IQ and SAT correlations:
Meanwhile, the correlation between the Stanford-Binet test and Raven’s is about .72.
I agree with your overall point, though it’s worth pointing out that the best (i.e. most g-loaded) IQ tests, such as Raven’s Progressive Matrices and WAIS, have higher g loadings than the SAT.