I’d be interested in a breakdown of what percent of philosophers fall into each category. A quick scan of the linked paper doesn’t show that they included this, though I could have missed it.
See Douglas Knight’s comment and my reply. These are more like dimensions, not categories. It makes sense to talk about the distribution on each dimension (i.e. most people tend to be high on the anti-naturalism scale, with long tail on the low end), but everyone has sits somewhere on the dimension.
I’d be interested in a breakdown of what percent of philosophers fall into each category. A quick scan of the linked paper doesn’t show that they included this, though I could have missed it.
See Douglas Knight’s comment and my reply. These are more like dimensions, not categories. It makes sense to talk about the distribution on each dimension (i.e. most people tend to be high on the anti-naturalism scale, with long tail on the low end), but everyone has sits somewhere on the dimension.
Me too.