You’re saying that you don’t believe there are people for whom status is a dominant value.
Yes. This would fall into the category of “people” who don’t share a human universal balance of basic aspects of value, “people” who are magical mutants with complex motivations shaped primarily by something other than evolution (which won’t allow large complex differences from the rest of the population). (See also this comment.)
You’re saying that you don’t believe there are people for whom status is a value.
Not at all. I’m merely saying that status is not in total dominance of what people prefer.
Okay. You’re saying that you don’t believe there are people for whom status is a dominant value.
Yes. This would fall into the category of “people” who don’t share a human universal balance of basic aspects of value, “people” who are magical mutants with complex motivations shaped primarily by something other than evolution (which won’t allow large complex differences from the rest of the population). (See also this comment.)