I second this; I think that a moratorium (for a month or two) on PUA theorizing would be better for the LW community than either a permanent ban or the continuation of the currently-entrenched battle on it, either of which would probably drive away a number of valuable rationalists. (Goes without saying that bashing PUA theories would also count as trolling during the moratorium.)
I want to see what the support looks like for this. Below is an informal poll: vote your preferred option(s) up and the karma offset comment down.
EDIT: You know, Vladimir has a better setup: take his poll below and we’ll count them up after a bit. I’m deleting the current poll setup, with nothing at more than +2; sorry if you’ll have to revote.
Adaptation of comment voting to polls is awkward. There are free poll web services. Below is the same poll, implemented in the first service I stumbled on in Google:
By the way, this setup seems to remove punctuation when graphing, which turns “1-2 months” into “12 months”. (It keeps the punctuation when asking the question, though, so it shouldn’t skew the results.)
I second this; I think that a moratorium (for a month or two) on PUA theorizing would be better for the LW community than either a permanent ban or the continuation of the currently-entrenched battle on it, either of which would probably drive away a number of valuable rationalists. (Goes without saying that bashing PUA theories would also count as trolling during the moratorium.)
I want to see what the support looks like for this. Below is an informal poll: vote your preferred option(s) up and the karma offset comment down.
EDIT: You know, Vladimir has a better setup: take his poll below and we’ll count them up after a bit. I’m deleting the current poll setup, with nothing at more than +2; sorry if you’ll have to revote.
I’m keeping my “zero-boxing” comment, though.
OPTION 2: Moratorium for 1-2 months on PUA discussion here.
(Vote up if you agree; then please offset the karma below.)
EXTRA KARMA OFFSET: If you voted two suggestions up, you can use me to equalize the karma effect.
I zero-box on Newcomb’s Problem!
OPTION 5: No restrictions on PUA discussion at Less Wrong.
(Vote up if you agree; then please offset the karma below.)
P.S. Whoops! I knew I forgot one of the obvious options. Not intentional, I assure you.
OPTION 4: None of those capture my brilliant idea!
(Vote up if you agree; then please offset the karma below, and reply to this comment with your fantastic scheme for Less Wrong harmony.)
OPTION 1: Ban PUA discussion from Less Wrong indefinitely.
(Vote up if you agree; then please offset the karma below.)
Adaptation of comment voting to polls is awkward. There are free poll web services. Below is the same poll, implemented in the first service I stumbled on in Google:
Click here to vote!
There doesn’t seem to be a “view results” button, and I don’t want to vote again for fear of screwing with the results. How did the poll turn out?
I hadn’t yet voted. Having done so now, the results are:
43%: temporary moratorium (28 votes)
38%: no restrictions (25 votes)
9%: restrict to a number of threads (6 votes)
6%: total ban (4 votes)
3%: a marvelous idea which this poll is too small to contain (2 votes)
OT: Nice poll. BTW—who is the other person who voted from Edinburgh?
By the way, this setup seems to remove punctuation when graphing, which turns “1-2 months” into “12 months”. (It keeps the punctuation when asking the question, though, so it shouldn’t skew the results.)
OPTION 3: Restrict PUA discussion to a number of threads here; disallow it outside of those.
(Vote up if you agree; then please offset the karma below.)
KARMA OFFSET: Downvote me once you’ve voted.
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