Word to the wise: If you substitute “hot” for “cute” you may get unanticipated negative results. I would not interpret “hot” in anywhere near the same way as “cute”. Here’s how that would translate for me:
“I thought you looked cute...” = “I am likely to be interested in things like emotional intimacy and cuddling.”
“I thought you looked hot...” = “I am likely to be one of those guys who is going to be so persistent in making attempts to get casual sex out of you tonight that it is going to drive you up a wall.”
I have nothing against sex, but like many people, I am annoyed by persistent attempts to get things from me.
Word to the wise: If you substitute “hot” for “cute” you may get unanticipated negative results. I would not interpret “hot” in anywhere near the same way as “cute”. Here’s how that would translate for me:
“I thought you looked cute...” = “I am likely to be interested in things like emotional intimacy and cuddling.”
“I thought you looked hot...” = “I am likely to be one of those guys who is going to be so persistent in making attempts to get casual sex out of you tonight that it is going to drive you up a wall.”
I have nothing against sex, but like many people, I am annoyed by persistent attempts to get things from me.
Relevant SMBC.