In my original comment, I specified that I only consider the situations “where the calculations are available”, that is you know (theoretically!) exactly what to do to be reflectively consistent in such situations and don’t need to achieve great artistic feats to pull that off.
You need to qualify what you are asserting, otherwise everything looks gray.
I’m asserting that people don’t actually do what they “decide” to do on the abstract level of System 2, unless certain System 1 processes are engaged with respect to the concrete, “near” aspects of the situation where the behavior is to be executed, and that merely precommitting to follow a certain decision theory is not a substitute for the actual, concrete, System 1commitment processes involved.
Now, could you commit to following a certain behavior under certain circumstances, that included the steps needed to also obtain System 1 commitment for the decision?
That I do not know. I think maybe you could. It would depend, I think, on how concretely you could define the circumstances when these steps would be taken… and doing that in a way that was both concrete and comprehensive would likely be difficult, which is why I’m not so sure about its feasibility.
Your model of human behavior doesn’t look in the least realistic to me, with its prohibition of reason, and requirements for difficult rituals of baptising reason into action.
Your model of human behavior doesn’t look in the least realistic to me, with its prohibition of reason, and requirements for difficult rituals of baptising reason into action.
Well, I suppose all the experiments that have been done on construal theory, and how concrete vs. abstract construal affects action and procrastination must be unrealistic, too, since that is a major piece of what I’m talking about here.
(If people were generally good at turning their reasoning into action, akrasia wouldn’t be such a hot topic here and in the rest of the world.)
Akrasia happens, but it’s not a universal mode. I object to you implying that akrasia is inevitable.
I never said it was inevitable. I said it happens when there are conflicts, and you haven’t really decided what to do about those conflicts, with enough detail and specificity for System 1 to automatically make the “right” choice in context. If you want different results, it’s up to you to specify them for yourself.
In my original comment, I specified that I only consider the situations “where the calculations are available”, that is you know (theoretically!) exactly what to do to be reflectively consistent in such situations and don’t need to achieve great artistic feats to pull that off.
You need to qualify what you are asserting, otherwise everything looks gray.
I’m asserting that people don’t actually do what they “decide” to do on the abstract level of System 2, unless certain System 1 processes are engaged with respect to the concrete, “near” aspects of the situation where the behavior is to be executed, and that merely precommitting to follow a certain decision theory is not a substitute for the actual, concrete, System 1commitment processes involved.
Now, could you commit to following a certain behavior under certain circumstances, that included the steps needed to also obtain System 1 commitment for the decision?
That I do not know. I think maybe you could. It would depend, I think, on how concretely you could define the circumstances when these steps would be taken… and doing that in a way that was both concrete and comprehensive would likely be difficult, which is why I’m not so sure about its feasibility.
Your model of human behavior doesn’t look in the least realistic to me, with its prohibition of reason, and requirements for difficult rituals of baptising reason into action.
Well, I suppose all the experiments that have been done on construal theory, and how concrete vs. abstract construal affects action and procrastination must be unrealistic, too, since that is a major piece of what I’m talking about here.
(If people were generally good at turning their reasoning into action, akrasia wouldn’t be such a hot topic here and in the rest of the world.)
Akrasia happens, but it’s not a universal mode. I object to you implying that akrasia is inevitable.
I never said it was inevitable. I said it happens when there are conflicts, and you haven’t really decided what to do about those conflicts, with enough detail and specificity for System 1 to automatically make the “right” choice in context. If you want different results, it’s up to you to specify them for yourself.