This amount and type of evidence would not be sufficient to approve a drug. The quality of these claims is about as good as the quality of claims one could make about a relatively niche diet.
So what I’m hearing is ‘we need to stop advocating kidney donation to normal people, and instead buy mailing addresses of identical twins from twin registries and pummel them with pro-kidney-donation propaganda to generate discordant pairs for long-term followup’.
So what I’m hearing is ‘we need to stop advocating kidney donation to normal people, and instead buy mailing addresses of identical twins from twin registries and pummel them with pro-kidney-donation propaganda to generate discordant pairs for long-term followup’.
Can we force researchers to open data first ? and all medical institutions second ?
There are actually many potential data points here, they are maliciously hidden.
As an alternative, yes !
Or we could just spend more money and loosen regulations around artificial organs and potentially partially solve longevity while at it.