The ‘paradox’ was ‘they should be here, why aren’t they?’, which is dissolved as the first part is not true. Now it is only a question of the actual values of the Drake equation factors
Not sure if this paper has more content than “there are so many uncertainties in the factors, the odds of several of them being much smaller than the current best guesses is large enough to make a lifeless universe likely and we are apparently living in one of those”. But yes, the “should be here” part goes away if you pay attention to all the uncertainties.
Not sure if this paper has more content than “there are so many uncertainties in the factors, the odds of several of them being much smaller than the current best guesses is large enough to make a lifeless universe likely and we are apparently living in one of those”. But yes, the “should be here” part goes away if you pay attention to all the uncertainties.