Of course, to anyone who has studied the question in depth, that’s a bad argument, but I’m trying to taylor my reply to someone who claims (direct quote of the first 2 sentences) being inclined to think that fear of rogue AI is a product of American culture if it doesn’t exist outside of the USA.
Nothing aggressive with noting that it’s a superficial factor. Maybe it would have come off better if I had use the LW term “outside view”, but it only came back to me now.
Yes, I certainly take an “outside view.” But there are many “in depth” considerations that are relevant to these questions. If you are really insisting that the only views that matter are inside views, well, that sounds more like religion than rational consideration.
That’s a pretty bad argument of authority, with an agressive undertone (“superficial factors have a sway on you”)
Of course, to anyone who has studied the question in depth, that’s a bad argument, but I’m trying to taylor my reply to someone who claims (direct quote of the first 2 sentences) being inclined to think that fear of rogue AI is a product of American culture if it doesn’t exist outside of the USA.
Nothing aggressive with noting that it’s a superficial factor. Maybe it would have come off better if I had use the LW term “outside view”, but it only came back to me now.
Yes, I certainly take an “outside view.” But there are many “in depth” considerations that are relevant to these questions. If you are really insisting that the only views that matter are inside views, well, that sounds more like religion than rational consideration.
If I did, why would I have replied to your outside view argument with another outside view argument?
If you had said “you hold inside view to be generally more accurate than outside view”, well yeah, I don’t think that’s disputed here.