Unable; if I was in a counterfactual world where it was psychologically possible for me to put more effort into communicating clearly then I would probably do so. The intrapersonal motivational dynamics are complex but it basically comes down to: my dopaminergic system is fucked up and my mind is twisted around like sheet metal. Which has a lot of upsides and a few large downsides.
On the plus side I have wicked good procedural learning and am good at everything. On the minus side I cannot put forth any effort. I can’t even make myself dinner or basic human tasks like that. But I can do 15 pullups despite never exercising. It’s like I got everything I thought to ask for, including ambition, but not the ability to put it into action.
Sorry for soapboxing. It’s like I’m trying to justify myself to someone who isn’t here.
My not-passive-agressive apologies for being schizotypal. The marginal cost of my efforts is probably higher than your model suggests, but I realize that nonetheless I’m promoting suboptimal norms for what does or doesn’t get to count as a well-intentioned effort at communication.
People also don’t have a model of human psychology such that they realize it might be impossible for me to use motivational tactics like this, or they find it game theoretically advantageous to endorse a rule whereby even people who cannot make such concessions are to be punished for not making them anyway.
refer to.
Clearly, the proper response is to downvote everything you ever post whether it’s unclear or not! I shall change my behavior accordingly.
(I am somewhat disturbed that at least seven people downvoted the original great-etc-grandparent comment without bothering to explain why they didn’t like it.)
Unable; if I was in a counterfactual world where it was psychologically possible for me to put more effort into communicating clearly then I would probably do so. The intrapersonal motivational dynamics are complex but it basically comes down to: my dopaminergic system is fucked up and my mind is twisted around like sheet metal. Which has a lot of upsides and a few large downsides.
On the plus side I have wicked good procedural learning and am good at everything. On the minus side I cannot put forth any effort. I can’t even make myself dinner or basic human tasks like that. But I can do 15 pullups despite never exercising. It’s like I got everything I thought to ask for, including ambition, but not the ability to put it into action.
Sorry for soapboxing. It’s like I’m trying to justify myself to someone who isn’t here.
Well… that sucks.
Also, now I understand what
refer to.
Clearly, the proper response is to downvote everything you ever post whether it’s unclear or not! I shall change my behavior accordingly.
(I am somewhat disturbed that at least seven people downvoted the original great-etc-grandparent comment without bothering to explain why they didn’t like it.)