Just curious: who downvoted this, and why? I found it amusing, and actually a pretty decent suggestion. It bothers me that there seems to be an anti-humor bias here… it’s been stated that this is justified in order to keep LW from devolving into a social, rather than intellectual forum, and I guess I can understand that… but I don’t understand why a comment which is actually germane to the parent’s question, but just happens to also be mildly amusing, should warrant a downvote.
Did the comment say something other than “gg” before? I’m not among those who downvoted it, but I don’t know what it means. (I’d love to know why it’s “amusing, and actually a pretty decent suggestion”.)
In my experience (most of which is a few years old) it is said afterward, but has its literal meaning, i.e. that you enjoyed the game, not necessarily that you lost it.
I think this depends on whether the game is one that’s usually played to the end or one where one of the players usually concedes. If it’s the latter, “gg” is probably a concession.
A nontrivial variant is also directed sarcastically at someone who lost badly (this seems to be most common where the ambient rudeness is high, e.g., battle.net).
Hmmm… I guess I was engaging in mind projection fallacy in assuming everyone got the reference, and the downvote was for disapproving of it, rather than just not getting it.
I thought it was too short and obscure. (On KGS we say that at the start of a game. The normal end-of-game ritual is “thx”. Or sometimes storming off without a word after a loss, to be lucid.)
Just curious: who downvoted this, and why? I found it amusing, and actually a pretty decent suggestion. It bothers me that there seems to be an anti-humor bias here… it’s been stated that this is justified in order to keep LW from devolving into a social, rather than intellectual forum, and I guess I can understand that… but I don’t understand why a comment which is actually germane to the parent’s question, but just happens to also be mildly amusing, should warrant a downvote.
Did the comment say something other than “gg” before? I’m not among those who downvoted it, but I don’t know what it means. (I’d love to know why it’s “amusing, and actually a pretty decent suggestion”.)
“good game”
It’s sort of like an e-handshake for online gaming to acknowledge that you have lost the game—at least in the online mtg community.
In my experience (most of which is a few years old) it is said afterward, but has its literal meaning, i.e. that you enjoyed the game, not necessarily that you lost it.
I think this depends on whether the game is one that’s usually played to the end or one where one of the players usually concedes. If it’s the latter, “gg” is probably a concession.
A nontrivial variant is also directed sarcastically at someone who lost badly (this seems to be most common where the ambient rudeness is high, e.g., battle.net).
Or a handshake to start a game. It would stop being funny pretty fast if one would give up given an empty Go board ;-)
Hmmm… I guess I was engaging in mind projection fallacy in assuming everyone got the reference, and the downvote was for disapproving of it, rather than just not getting it.
I have downvoted it. I had no idea what it meant (before reading the comments). Quick googling doesn’t reveal that much.
I thought it was too short and obscure. (On KGS we say that at the start of a game. The normal end-of-game ritual is “thx”. Or sometimes storming off without a word after a loss, to be lucid.)
Explaining it would ruin the funnies. Also, Google. Also, inevitably, somebody else did the job for me.
Maybe someone thought it rude to make a humorous reply to a serious and apparently emotionally loaded question.