When you tune a mind to correctly reflect this, you aren’t asking how this external AI aligns with “human values”. You’re asking how it synchs up with your subjective experience.
Any further detail you’d like to give on what constitutes “synching up with your subjective experience” (in the sense relevant to making an intelligence that produces plans that transform the world, without killing everyone)? :)
This is a koan-type meditative puzzle FWIW. A hint:
When you look outside and see a beautiful sky, you can admire it and think “Wow, that’s a beautiful sky.” But the knowing had to happen before the thought. What do you see when you attend to the level of knowing that comes before all thought?
That’s not a question to answer. It’s an invitation to look.
Not meaning to be obtuse here. This is the most direct I know how to be right now.
Any further detail you’d like to give on what constitutes “synching up with your subjective experience” (in the sense relevant to making an intelligence that produces plans that transform the world, without killing everyone)? :)
Not at the moment. I might at some other time.
This is a koan-type meditative puzzle FWIW. A hint:
When you look outside and see a beautiful sky, you can admire it and think “Wow, that’s a beautiful sky.” But the knowing had to happen before the thought. What do you see when you attend to the level of knowing that comes before all thought?
That’s not a question to answer. It’s an invitation to look.
Not meaning to be obtuse here. This is the most direct I know how to be right now.
Ok thanks.