This is a koan-type meditative puzzle FWIW. A hint:
When you look outside and see a beautiful sky, you can admire it and think “Wow, that’s a beautiful sky.” But the knowing had to happen before the thought. What do you see when you attend to the level of knowing that comes before all thought?
That’s not a question to answer. It’s an invitation to look.
Not meaning to be obtuse here. This is the most direct I know how to be right now.
Not at the moment. I might at some other time.
This is a koan-type meditative puzzle FWIW. A hint:
When you look outside and see a beautiful sky, you can admire it and think “Wow, that’s a beautiful sky.” But the knowing had to happen before the thought. What do you see when you attend to the level of knowing that comes before all thought?
That’s not a question to answer. It’s an invitation to look.
Not meaning to be obtuse here. This is the most direct I know how to be right now.
Ok thanks.