Welcome to LessWrong! A lot of the content on this site has helped me answer the questions ToK asks. What is Evidence is a good place to start.
Theres also lesswrong.com/lw/jr/how_to_convince_me_that_2_2_3/ and http://lesswrong.com/lw/si/math_is_subjunctively_objective/ if you just want to skip to the back of the book for 2+2=4. Thought personally I wouldn’t suggest it.
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Welcome to LessWrong! A lot of the content on this site has helped me answer the questions ToK asks. What is Evidence is a good place to start.
Theres also lesswrong.com/lw/jr/how_to_convince_me_that_2_2_3/ and http://lesswrong.com/lw/si/math_is_subjunctively_objective/ if you just want to skip to the back of the book for 2+2=4. Thought personally I wouldn’t suggest it.
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