error text:
“You have encountered an error in the code that runs Less Wrong. The site maintainers have been informed and will get to it is as soon as they can.
In the unlikely event that you’ve bumped into this error before and think that no-one is paying attention, please report the error and how to reproduce it on′
If the error is localised you might still find awesome Less Wrong content in the Main article area or in the Discussion area.
I also see the error message when clicking the “new article” or “new link” buttons. It’s been that way for a while. Does anyone else get the same thing?
Yes, but only very very specific marbles, since every post from Discussion or even the whole Main section seems to be reachable, but not the Discussion page itself.
I’ve this weird fanfiction where LessWrong is a monastery/school of magic who has been abandoned by its creator a long time ago but it’s still operating, that sometimes has been attacked by a disgruntled student who was expelled, but has somehow learned to do necromancy and has returned with an army of meat-puppets. Now I’ll have to incorporate that due to some random magic accident, the monastery disappeared, but not the rooms inside it.
The page returns error for me for 12 hours, but other pages are fine. Is it only my glitch?
error text: “You have encountered an error in the code that runs Less Wrong. The site maintainers have been informed and will get to it is as soon as they can. In the unlikely event that you’ve bumped into this error before and think that no-one is paying attention, please report the error and how to reproduce it on′
If the error is localised you might still find awesome Less Wrong content in the Main article area or in the Discussion area.
I seem to have the same thing
There was an issue with how the linkposts handled unicode URLs, fixed by wezm here and here.
Discussion went down (and is back up) for me too.
I also see the error message when clicking the “new article” or “new link” buttons. It’s been that way for a while. Does anyone else get the same thing?
Seems like it is back now.
I think the server lost some of its marbles. It can’t even find the static image for the error :-/
“Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found):″
Yes, but only very very specific marbles, since every post from Discussion or even the whole Main section seems to be reachable, but not the Discussion page itself.
Yep, for me too. Everything else seems to be fine.
I’ve this weird fanfiction where LessWrong is a monastery/school of magic who has been abandoned by its creator a long time ago but it’s still operating, that sometimes has been attacked by a disgruntled student who was expelled, but has somehow learned to do necromancy and has returned with an army of meat-puppets.
Now I’ll have to incorporate that due to some random magic accident, the monastery disappeared, but not the rooms inside it.
“You must be able to teleport this far to enter” X-)
The next hit Japanese LN & anime murder mystery series!
I submitted an issue on github lesswrong page. May be we could contact an admin?
Wait at least 24 hours...