Is there a place where Yudkowsky has talked about consciousness? I have found the Zombie Series, but that’s not quite what I’m looking for. I’m more curious how he thinks it works more than why Zombies don’t work.
Also, is there a place where Yudkowsky has talked about Climate Change?
On 1, I’m not sure—How an Algorithm Feels from Inside is the closest I can think of right now. But you might check out Good and Real, by Gary Drescher, which is basically what you’re looking for, particular author aside.
On 2, a fairly common opinion is that AI risk will happen on a faster timescale and impact more people than global warming, but attribute this to anyone in particular at your own risk.
I read somewhere in his earlier writing that he hopes that AI will explain us what is qualia. So it looks like he postponed the consciousness problem until creation of (friendly) AI.
Is there a place where Yudkowsky has talked about consciousness? I have found the Zombie Series, but that’s not quite what I’m looking for. I’m more curious how he thinks it works more than why Zombies don’t work.
Also, is there a place where Yudkowsky has talked about Climate Change?
I’ve looked for both, but I couldn’t find either.
I’m not aware of any specific one. I think he doesn’t consider Climate Change to be important because he thinks FOOM will happen sooner or later.
On 1, I’m not sure—How an Algorithm Feels from Inside is the closest I can think of right now. But you might check out Good and Real, by Gary Drescher, which is basically what you’re looking for, particular author aside.
On 2, a fairly common opinion is that AI risk will happen on a faster timescale and impact more people than global warming, but attribute this to anyone in particular at your own risk.
I read somewhere in his earlier writing that he hopes that AI will explain us what is qualia. So it looks like he postponed the consciousness problem until creation of (friendly) AI.
That sounds more like a cute way of dodging the question.