Using Steve’s analogy would make for much shorter timeline estimates. Steve guesses 10-100 runs of online-learning needed, i.e. 10-100 iterations to find the right hyperparameters before you get a training run that produces something actually smart like a human. This is only 1-2 orders of magnitude more compute than the human-brain-human-lifetime anchor, which is the nearest anchor (and which Ajeya assigns only 5% credence to!) Eyeballing the charts it looks like you’d end up with something like 50% probability by 2035, holding fixed all of Ajeya’s other assumptions.
Using Steve’s analogy would make for much shorter timeline estimates. Steve guesses 10-100 runs of online-learning needed, i.e. 10-100 iterations to find the right hyperparameters before you get a training run that produces something actually smart like a human. This is only 1-2 orders of magnitude more compute than the human-brain-human-lifetime anchor, which is the nearest anchor (and which Ajeya assigns only 5% credence to!) Eyeballing the charts it looks like you’d end up with something like 50% probability by 2035, holding fixed all of Ajeya’s other assumptions.