Anyway, I don’t quite get the benefit of an equity bot. “I wouldn’t protect against them outscoring me. I would protect against them outscoring what cooperation would have gotten them.”—Is the idea to make bully bots back down, whilst not losing too many points against an attack bot, in the hope that the attack bots would be wiped out by the end by the other bots?
I thin the idea is simply not to feed the attackers enough for them to grow relative to the fair players, while also minimizing your losses so you don’t fall behind.
PDV is correct. The idea is to avoid rewarding the attacker and letting its share of the pool grow. In particular, in a heads-up fight, AttackBot vs. EquityBot depends on relative size, whereas AttackBot vs. FoldBot goes to AttackBot no matter the ratio.
What is a DealBot?
Anyway, I don’t quite get the benefit of an equity bot. “I wouldn’t protect against them outscoring me. I would protect against them outscoring what cooperation would have gotten them.”—Is the idea to make bully bots back down, whilst not losing too many points against an attack bot, in the hope that the attack bots would be wiped out by the end by the other bots?
I thin the idea is simply not to feed the attackers enough for them to grow relative to the fair players, while also minimizing your losses so you don’t fall behind.
PDV is correct. The idea is to avoid rewarding the attacker and letting its share of the pool grow. In particular, in a heads-up fight, AttackBot vs. EquityBot depends on relative size, whereas AttackBot vs. FoldBot goes to AttackBot no matter the ratio.
DealBot is an old name for DefenseBot, I’ll edit.