Have you thought much about mental health?[1] Mental health seems to meet all of your same criteria. I say this because I’m currently working on this (and for alignment-like reasons).
If anything, I suspect mental health is more tractable, with quicker feedback loops, and with more of a possibility of directly helping alignment[1] compared to physical health.
Why? I’ll have to write a full post on this eventually, but the gist is: I suspect many social conflicts, such as those around AI, could dissolve if the underlying ego conflicts dissolved. Decision-makers who become more emotionally secure also become better at coordination. Improving physical health has much less of this effect imo.
The healthcare agents advise patients on which information to share with their doctor, and advises doctors on which information to solicit from their patients.
This seems agnostic between mental and physiological health.
Have you thought much about mental health?[1] Mental health seems to meet all of your same criteria. I say this because I’m currently working on this (and for alignment-like reasons).
Maybe “healthcare” includes mental health to you, but https://healthcareagents.com/ doesn’t seem to mention it.
If anything, I suspect mental health is more tractable, with quicker feedback loops, and with more of a possibility of directly helping alignment[1] compared to physical health.
Why? I’ll have to write a full post on this eventually, but the gist is: I suspect many social conflicts, such as those around AI, could dissolve if the underlying ego conflicts dissolved. Decision-makers who become more emotionally secure also become better at coordination. Improving physical health has much less of this effect imo.
I’ve skimmed the business proposal.
The healthcare agents advise patients on which information to share with their doctor, and advises doctors on which information to solicit from their patients.
This seems agnostic between mental and physiological health.