Agreed, but they got pushed aside a while ago and are trying to find refuge with the traditions.
Tradesies for the order of hermes? They can run universities or something?
My favorite Mage homebrew has them merging with the Sons of Ether and taking Forces, and the Solificati merging with the Order of Hermes and taking Matter.
Why did the SoE and OoH switch spheres?
And anyway Void Engineers are obviously there to pick up the slack of the dying dreamspeakers and get spirit back into the technocratic paradigm.
Agreed, but they got pushed aside a while ago and are trying to find refuge with the traditions.
Tradesies for the order of hermes? They can run universities or something?
My favorite Mage homebrew has them merging with the Sons of Ether and taking Forces, and the Solificati merging with the Order of Hermes and taking Matter.
Why did the SoE and OoH switch spheres?
And anyway Void Engineers are obviously there to pick up the slack of the dying dreamspeakers and get spirit back into the technocratic paradigm.