As the information war escalates, we believe more than ever that our responsibility is to provide an advanced, reliable disinformation solution to national security agencies, responsible leaders, and trusted brands.
The ambiguity between “solution to disinformation” and “solution in the form of disinformation” is delicious.
They say this is only to be used on manipulative or disinformation campaigns:
Based on data from our monitoring system, New Knowledge analysts provide the tools and support that companies need to disrupt manipulative online campaigns and maintain brand integrity. No system integration required. No private data collected.
I have no idea why what they are offering would be an asymmetric weapon. Nor do I think that ‘get very good at detecting and understanding manipulative social media campaigns’ is a strategy likely to lead to non-manipulative counter-strategies at a profit-maximizing corporation.
I can see why it might be better at disruption than creation, like many things. This might be one of the few places that makes me feel a little better.
I gotta love this quote from their website:
The ambiguity between “solution to disinformation” and “solution in the form of disinformation” is delicious.
They say this is only to be used on manipulative or disinformation campaigns:
I have no idea why what they are offering would be an asymmetric weapon. Nor do I think that ‘get very good at detecting and understanding manipulative social media campaigns’ is a strategy likely to lead to non-manipulative counter-strategies at a profit-maximizing corporation.
I can see why it might be better at disruption than creation, like many things. This might be one of the few places that makes me feel a little better.