Thank you for your post. I’ve been looking for posts like this all over the internet that get my mind racing about the possibilities of the near future.
I think the AI discussion suffers from definitional problems. I think when most people talk about money not mattering when AGI arrives (myself included), we tend to define AGI as something closer to this:
“one single AI system doing all economic planning.”
While your world model makes a lot of sense, I don’t think the dystopian scenario you envision would include me in the “capital class”. I don’t have the wealth, intellect, or connections to find myself rising to that class. My only hope is that the AI system that does all economic planning arrives soon and is aligned to elevate the human race equally and fairly.
Thank you for your post. I’ve been looking for posts like this all over the internet that get my mind racing about the possibilities of the near future.
I think the AI discussion suffers from definitional problems. I think when most people talk about money not mattering when AGI arrives (myself included), we tend to define AGI as something closer to this:
“one single AI system doing all economic planning.”
While your world model makes a lot of sense, I don’t think the dystopian scenario you envision would include me in the “capital class”. I don’t have the wealth, intellect, or connections to find myself rising to that class. My only hope is that the AI system that does all economic planning arrives soon and is aligned to elevate the human race equally and fairly.