It was, as I admitted, a mistake. I was being inexact as it was not critical for my central point, if it was I would have looked it up, failed to find it, and adjusted my approach (or more likely, left out IQ altogether). I’m unsure what continuing to belabor this accomplishes aside from chastising me for insufficiently respecting numbers.
You admitted a mistake but it wasn’t the mistake for which I was criticizing you. I don’t have a problem with people misremembering numbers. This prompted me to explain my criticism.
Exactly 50-50 would be very surprising result for a meta-study. “50% heritable” has an exactness that “around half heritable” doesn’t have.
Treating both of those the same way is what I would expect from people who don’t respect actual numbers.
It was, as I admitted, a mistake. I was being inexact as it was not critical for my central point, if it was I would have looked it up, failed to find it, and adjusted my approach (or more likely, left out IQ altogether). I’m unsure what continuing to belabor this accomplishes aside from chastising me for insufficiently respecting numbers.
You admitted a mistake but it wasn’t the mistake for which I was criticizing you. I don’t have a problem with people misremembering numbers. This prompted me to explain my criticism.