Eliezer, could you please confirm / deny / decline to answer whether the fic is past its halfway point? Anubhav and I have a persistent memory that you did at one point state that it was, but I can’t find that statement so I’m wondering if I just crossed a couple of brain-wires.
For purely selfish reasons I hope it’s in the “first 80% done, second 80% being worked on” sense.
For purely selfish reasons I’m ambivalent. I like fanfiction as much as the next guy but kind of wouldn’t mind it if Eliezer spent his efforts trying to save the world. ;)
As long as HP:MoR remains unfinished, thousands of people who could be helping Eliezer build a Friendly AI are instead sitting by their web browsers, repeatedly pressing Ctrl+R.
Finishing HP:MoR is the necessary first step towards Singularity.
If you have any more zingers like that please use them before the story is over. I don’t think my heart will be able to handle the combined laughter.
On this forum we tend to want Eliezer to get back to work sometime before 2049 and so we cant have an endless saga of 7 fan-fictions in sequence culminating with a double movie ;)
Re-posting it so you see it in the inbox:
Eliezer, could you please confirm / deny / decline to answer whether the fic is past its halfway point? Anubhav and I have a persistent memory that you did at one point state that it was, but I can’t find that statement so I’m wondering if I just crossed a couple of brain-wires.
It’s past the halfway point.
For purely selfish reasons I hope it’s in the “first 80% done, second 80% being worked on” sense.
For purely selfish reasons I’m ambivalent. I like fanfiction as much as the next guy but kind of wouldn’t mind it if Eliezer spent his efforts trying to save the world. ;)
As long as HP:MoR remains unfinished, thousands of people who could be helping Eliezer build a Friendly AI are instead sitting by their web browsers, repeatedly pressing Ctrl+R.
Finishing HP:MoR is the necessary first step towards Singularity.
The thing is, I know he can do the fanfic. I seriously doubt he can save the world.
I am approximately 95% sure the world will be lost (ie. we’ll all die). It would seem that I must agree with you.
If you have any more zingers like that please use them before the story is over. I don’t think my heart will be able to handle the combined laughter.
On this forum we tend to want Eliezer to get back to work sometime before 2049 and so we cant have an endless saga of 7 fan-fictions in sequence culminating with a double movie ;)
Does that preclude sequels?
If he wanted to write sequels, the obvious way to do it would be to continue the fic.
Thank you. Also, sigh.
Is it likely that the rest might take longer than you think or is this made with essentially p = 1 - epsilon?