My standard way of dealing with internet names is to just ignore them completely because they don’t provide much evidence/usefulness (unless I want to reference the person) and I want to read the comment anyway. I guess I thought LWers would either not notice my name at all or see it, be a little more suspicious, and read anyway. (not immediately downvote or tell me my name sucks and I should change it)
AFAICT, you’re looking at posts anyway, so good/bad natured names shouldn’t matter, only good/bad natured writing.
My standard way of dealing with internet names is to just ignore them completely because they don’t provide much evidence/usefulness (unless I want to reference the person) and I want to read the comment anyway. I guess I thought LWers would either not notice my name at all or see it, be a little more suspicious, and read anyway. (not immediately downvote or tell me my name sucks and I should change it)
AFAICT, you’re looking at posts anyway, so good/bad natured names shouldn’t matter, only good/bad natured writing.