The choice of a name can provide some evidence about whether it’s a good-faith account or not; and the name “troll” is providing evidence against. If you told people why you chose that name that might serve to counteract the effect, but I think you’ve not yet done so… Needing to justify your nick may seem unfair to you, but consider it from the point of view of someone who doesn’t know you.
My standard way of dealing with internet names is to just ignore them completely because they don’t provide much evidence/usefulness (unless I want to reference the person) and I want to read the comment anyway. I guess I thought LWers would either not notice my name at all or see it, be a little more suspicious, and read anyway. (not immediately downvote or tell me my name sucks and I should change it)
AFAICT, you’re looking at posts anyway, so good/bad natured names shouldn’t matter, only good/bad natured writing.
The choice of a name can provide some evidence about whether it’s a good-faith account or not; and the name “troll” is providing evidence against. If you told people why you chose that name that might serve to counteract the effect, but I think you’ve not yet done so… Needing to justify your nick may seem unfair to you, but consider it from the point of view of someone who doesn’t know you.
See also
My standard way of dealing with internet names is to just ignore them completely because they don’t provide much evidence/usefulness (unless I want to reference the person) and I want to read the comment anyway. I guess I thought LWers would either not notice my name at all or see it, be a little more suspicious, and read anyway. (not immediately downvote or tell me my name sucks and I should change it)
AFAICT, you’re looking at posts anyway, so good/bad natured names shouldn’t matter, only good/bad natured writing.