I’m pretty sure the commenter there is referring to the title with which it was posted on Hacker News (“First write the crushing counterargument, then conclude with mockery.”), not the title here.
Right, but I predict that if submitted to Hacker News at the same time of day with the actual title and no one commenting here that it was resubmitted, then it will receive even fewer upvotes. “Undiscriminating Skepticism” isn’t as catchy of a title as Less Wrong’s last general audience article and Hacker News hit, “What is Bayesianism?”
I’m pretty sure the commenter there is referring to the title with which it was posted on Hacker News (“First write the crushing counterargument, then conclude with mockery.”), not the title here.
Right, but I predict that if submitted to Hacker News at the same time of day with the actual title and no one commenting here that it was resubmitted, then it will receive even fewer upvotes. “Undiscriminating Skepticism” isn’t as catchy of a title as Less Wrong’s last general audience article and Hacker News hit, “What is Bayesianism?”