and if i apply same prior to him as he applies to me, probably a person with little programming experience. Everyday tit-for-tat reflex (that one might have evolved because its conceivable it was good through much of our on-trees existence as well, albeit i’m a bit dubious as of how the DNA would code for something like tit for tat, in mammalian brain; it would code for something that sort of works like tit for tat, with a lot of side effects, such as getting irritated, and responding in the equivalent style; [learning what to be irritated at]).
He’s probably a person with programming experience...
and if i apply same prior to him as he applies to me, probably a person with little programming experience. Everyday tit-for-tat reflex (that one might have evolved because its conceivable it was good through much of our on-trees existence as well, albeit i’m a bit dubious as of how the DNA would code for something like tit for tat, in mammalian brain; it would code for something that sort of works like tit for tat, with a lot of side effects, such as getting irritated, and responding in the equivalent style; [learning what to be irritated at]).