Diets that require expenditure of willpower fail because the willpower expenditure indicates that something is going wrong with your body
I seem to be able to come up with various willpower draining activities that are useful, so how should I proceed if I wanted to know a particular diet is such an activity instead? Evolutionarily speaking hunger is clearly an indicator that something is wrong, but I’m not sure how that translates to values of a modern obese human.
Strangely enough, these same weak-willed dieters often seem to have little trouble exercising hard—for years on end, maybe—though often to no avail, of course.
Well, exercise is known to have other benefits than weight loss, so I wouldn’t encourage people to stop moving their bodies on those grounds. Also, this seems to be the kind of useful activity I was talking about.
I seem to be able to come up with various willpower draining activities that are useful, so how should I proceed if I wanted to know a particular diet is such an activity instead? Evolutionarily speaking hunger is clearly an indicator that something is wrong, but I’m not sure how that translates to values of a modern obese human.
Well, exercise is known to have other benefits than weight loss, so I wouldn’t encourage people to stop moving their bodies on those grounds. Also, this seems to be the kind of useful activity I was talking about.