Upvoted. Please call me out if you ever see me doing it. I try to use Spivak pronouns in any instance where it is not really important whether or not the reader will judge me for using them (ie. not on a term paper) but I rarely think of it.
But I think it would have helped if you were more specific. I wouldn’t have understood that you were complaining about pronouns. I may not have understood that “Mrerererer” was a complaint, and not an attempt to mimic the noise my dog makes when he’s sucking on his chew toy. ;-)
Upvoted. Please call me out if you ever see me doing it. I try to use Spivak pronouns in any instance where it is not really important whether or not the reader will judge me for using them (ie. not on a term paper) but I rarely think of it.
But I think it would have helped if you were more specific. I wouldn’t have understood that you were complaining about pronouns. I may not have understood that “Mrerererer” was a complaint, and not an attempt to mimic the noise my dog makes when he’s sucking on his chew toy. ;-)