After putting polyurethane on the floor of a house, I had an -excellent- reason which few people questioned: After polyurethaning the floor, alchohol started tasting like polyurethane smelled. (To this day it still hasn’t faded completely. I stopped drinking entirely for a long time there, and still can’t do straight whiskey shots, which was my old standard. Went from tasting pretty good to… awful.) Takes about thirty seconds to explain, and most people accept it just based on the weirdness of the reason.
After putting polyurethane on the floor of a house, I had an -excellent- reason which few people questioned: After polyurethaning the floor, alchohol started tasting like polyurethane smelled. (To this day it still hasn’t faded completely. I stopped drinking entirely for a long time there, and still can’t do straight whiskey shots, which was my old standard. Went from tasting pretty good to… awful.) Takes about thirty seconds to explain, and most people accept it just based on the weirdness of the reason.