Believing oneself to be an exceptional case was a common failure mode among the subjects of studies summarized in Yvain’s article. When confronted with the experimental results showing how their behavior was influenced in ways unknown to them, they would either deny it outright or admit that it is a very interesting phenomenon that surely affected other people but they happened to be the lone exception to the rule.
That doesn’t really preclude your introspective skills (I actually believe such skills can be developed to an extent) but it should make you suspicious.
Have you done any reading on cognitive restructuring (psychotherapy)? It’s interesting that people on this forum believe this is impossible when a method exists as a type of psychotherapy. Have you guys refuted cognitive restructuring or are you just unaware of it?
I’m aware of cognitive restructuring. Note that I haven’t said that introspection is completely useless or even that the specific type of introspection you describe is totally impossible, just that you are very confident about it and there’s a common pattern of extreme overconfidence.
Believing oneself to be an exceptional case was a common failure mode among the subjects of studies summarized in Yvain’s article. When confronted with the experimental results showing how their behavior was influenced in ways unknown to them, they would either deny it outright or admit that it is a very interesting phenomenon that surely affected other people but they happened to be the lone exception to the rule.
That doesn’t really preclude your introspective skills (I actually believe such skills can be developed to an extent) but it should make you suspicious.
Have you done any reading on cognitive restructuring (psychotherapy)? It’s interesting that people on this forum believe this is impossible when a method exists as a type of psychotherapy. Have you guys refuted cognitive restructuring or are you just unaware of it?
I’m aware of cognitive restructuring. Note that I haven’t said that introspection is completely useless or even that the specific type of introspection you describe is totally impossible, just that you are very confident about it and there’s a common pattern of extreme overconfidence.