I just hope that the newly-dubbed Machine Intelligence Research Institute doesn’t put too much focus on advertising for donations.
That would create a MIRI-ad of issues.
Sorry, if I don’t let the pun out it has to live inside my head.
Yes, instead of putting too much focus on advertising, they should put the correct amount of focus on it. The argument also applies to the number of pens.
And paperclips, hopefully.
Wait, did SIRI also advertise for donations?
I just hope that the newly-dubbed Machine Intelligence Research Institute doesn’t put too much focus on advertising for donations.
That would create a MIRI-ad of issues.
Sorry, if I don’t let the pun out it has to live inside my head.
Yes, instead of putting too much focus on advertising, they should put the correct amount of focus on it. The argument also applies to the number of pens.
And paperclips, hopefully.
Wait, did SIRI also advertise for donations?