Thank you. It is something I can use for improvement.
Can you point at the flaws? I can see that the structure of sentences is overcomplicated, but I don’t know how it feels to native English speakers. Foreigner? Dork? Grammar Illiterate? I appreciate any feedback. Thanks.
Actually, a bit of all three. The one you can control the most is probably “dork”, which unpacks as “someone with complex ideas who is too impatient/show-offy to explain their idiosyncratic jargon”.
I’m a native English speaker, and I know that I still frequently sound “dorky” in that sense when I try to be too succinct.
Also, interesting thing happens if by the whim of the creator computer is given a goal of tiling universe with most common still life in it and universe is possibly infinite.
Respectfully, I don’t know what this sentence means. In particular, I don’t know what “most common still life” meant. That made it difficult to decipher the rest of the comment.
ETA: Thanks to the comment below, I understand a little better, but now I’m not sure what motivates invoking the possibility of other agents, given that the discussion was about proving Friendliness.
One year and one level-up (thanks to after this comment I’m still in the dark about the cause of downvoting the above comment.
I’m sorry for whining, but my curiosity took me over. Any comments?
It wasn’t me, but I suspect the poor grammar didn’t help. It makes it hard to understand what you were getting at.
Thank you. It is something I can use for improvement.
Can you point at the flaws? I can see that the structure of sentences is overcomplicated, but I don’t know how it feels to native English speakers. Foreigner? Dork? Grammar Illiterate? I appreciate any feedback. Thanks.
Actually, a bit of all three. The one you can control the most is probably “dork”, which unpacks as “someone with complex ideas who is too impatient/show-offy to explain their idiosyncratic jargon”.
I’m a native English speaker, and I know that I still frequently sound “dorky” in that sense when I try to be too succinct.
It is valuable information, thanks. I underestimated relative weight of communication style in the feedback I got.
Respectfully, I don’t know what this sentence means. In particular, I don’t know what “most common still life” meant. That made it difficult to decipher the rest of the comment.
ETA: Thanks to the comment below, I understand a little better, but now I’m not sure what motivates invoking the possibility of other agents, given that the discussion was about proving Friendliness.
In a cellular automaton, a still life is a pattern of cells which stays unchanged after each iteration.
Since you asked, your downvoted comment seems like word salad to me, I don’t understand sensible reasons that would motivate it.