Are there any reliable CAPTCHAs? Competition for CAPTCHA ideas that AIs can’t solve.


As artificial intelligence continues to advance, it becomes increasingly important to find ways to verify the humanity of individuals online. One common method for doing so is through the use of CAPTCHAs, which are designed to be easily solved by humans but difficult for AI models to crack. However, many CAPTCHAs can be easily defeated by readily available models, even without fine-tuning.

Currently, most CAPTCHAs looks like this:

Or this:

These CAPTCHAS can be easily solved using readily available models, although they might require some fine tuning.

For example I solved several different types of text captchas using this model out of the box: https://​​​​microsoft/​​trocr-large-printed

And the image CAPTCHA above I solved using this model, without any fine tuning: https://​​​​openai/​​clip-vit-large-patch14


In light of this, we are launching a competition to generate new ideas for CAPTCHAs that are both easy for humans to solve and difficult for AI models to crack. To be considered a winner, an idea must meet the following criteria:

  • At least 90% of internet users could solve it within one minute.

  • We would not expect a malicious AI developer to be able to create an AI that can solve the CAPTCHA given a few days, and unlimited tries (meaning that if it’s a text CAPTCHA, the developer could load the CAPTCHA a thousand times to create a dataset.)

The prize for this competition is the honor of having your idea considered as a reliable CAPTCHA solution, which CHATgpt couldn’t do when I prompted it. Therefore, it would ironically also serve as strong evidence that you are human. Do you have an idea that meets these criteria? If so, I strongly encourage you to write a comment with your idea.