Getting rid of time seems to require a global space of simultaneity to slice along, while a block universe doesn’t; but I suppose Barbour addresses this, as well as the trouble of eliminating time but not space from GR.
I’d also like to hear something about CP-violation, even if only “Barbour answers it” or “nobody knows”.
I wish I knew whether the unimpressed commenters got what Shane Legg did, just from hearing about Special Relativity; or if they still haven’t gotten it yet from reading my brief summary of Barbour.
I did; or, rather, I think I internalized timelessness gradually (unlike Shane’s shock), from a more psychological than physical starting point, before ever hearing of Barbour or his ideas. I didn’t see the aesthetic argument against collapse until this post, but it actually seems to depend on a block-universe rather than unordered-pile-of-timeslices view.
Getting rid of time seems to require a global space of simultaneity to slice along, while a block universe doesn’t; but I suppose Barbour addresses this, as well as the trouble of eliminating time but not space from GR.
I’d also like to hear something about CP-violation, even if only “Barbour answers it” or “nobody knows”.
I did; or, rather, I think I internalized timelessness gradually (unlike Shane’s shock), from a more psychological than physical starting point, before ever hearing of Barbour or his ideas. I didn’t see the aesthetic argument against collapse until this post, but it actually seems to depend on a block-universe rather than unordered-pile-of-timeslices view.