I was answering a question, and I took it out of the comments stream to keep from derailing that stream. But perhaps doing that made it more visible, which is not what I had intended.
It seems that religion is just an off-limits topic here, regardless of whether it seems like it might be relevant in some conversation. At the very least, I’ll never bring it up again.
It’s certainly not a favorite topic, but I think it’s more how out of the blue this post feels. In any case, see https://www.lesswrong.com/tag/religion for some posts on the topic that haven’t been severely downvoted.
Looking at the first fifteen posts, upvotes are correlated with how non- or anti-religious they are. The only one with negative karma is called “Religion is Good, Actually”, and the religion there is Buddhism, the most un-religious religion of all.
I was answering a question, and I took it out of the comments stream to keep from derailing that stream. But perhaps doing that made it more visible, which is not what I had intended.
It seems that religion is just an off-limits topic here, regardless of whether it seems like it might be relevant in some conversation. At the very least, I’ll never bring it up again.
It’s certainly not a favorite topic, but I think it’s more how out of the blue this post feels. In any case, see https://www.lesswrong.com/tag/religion for some posts on the topic that haven’t been severely downvoted.
Looking at the first fifteen posts, upvotes are correlated with how non- or anti-religious they are. The only one with negative karma is called “Religion is Good, Actually”, and the religion there is Buddhism, the most un-religious religion of all.
Oh I suppose so.