That there was a murder has been established. This is not in question due to the large quantity of evidence supporting it. The discussion is of the guilt, given the (established and known) fact of the murder. As for its usefulness, the evidence of the murder would reveal evidence of who did it, so it could be useful, but might be a moot point, since then we’re already on the topic of agency of guilt.
Of course, but it may be a useful exercise to understand the reason for the difference in strength of this particular argument compared to the others.
I’m not sure what you mean by “the reason for the difference in strength of this particular argument...” Which particular argument?
The argument that there was a murder at all.
That there was a murder has been established. This is not in question due to the large quantity of evidence supporting it. The discussion is of the guilt, given the (established and known) fact of the murder. As for its usefulness, the evidence of the murder would reveal evidence of who did it, so it could be useful, but might be a moot point, since then we’re already on the topic of agency of guilt.
Just curious how the two above 10:08:41 and 12:13:49 are seen as lacking. Trying to learn. Thank you...