Thomas Ligotti’s short horror story “The Shadow, The Darkness” describes a man becoming a p-zombie due to extreme pain caused by a stomach malady. He describes the transformation as losing his “fabricated personality” to become a “successful organism”, and actually finds international success as a sculptor afterwards.
I believe the traditional mystical term for this experience is “ego death”. Many seek it.
Please stop this violence to the term “p-zombie”! p-zombies talk and behave just like the rest of us, and describe exactly the same consequences of introspection as the rest of us. You’re talking about something much closer to a traditional zombie.
Without being an expert, I think ego-death is completely different. Something like an abolition of the desire to control and fit a narrative to experience, not an abolition of experience itself. And all the mystics say ego-death is followed by a superior form of experience, which clearly didn’t happen to Browne.
Thomas Ligotti’s short horror story “The Shadow, The Darkness” describes a man becoming a p-zombie due to extreme pain caused by a stomach malady. He describes the transformation as losing his “fabricated personality” to become a “successful organism”, and actually finds international success as a sculptor afterwards.
I believe the traditional mystical term for this experience is “ego death”. Many seek it.
Please stop this violence to the term “p-zombie”! p-zombies talk and behave just like the rest of us, and describe exactly the same consequences of introspection as the rest of us. You’re talking about something much closer to a traditional zombie.
Without being an expert, I think ego-death is completely different. Something like an abolition of the desire to control and fit a narrative to experience, not an abolition of experience itself. And all the mystics say ego-death is followed by a superior form of experience, which clearly didn’t happen to Browne.