One could have picked even more extreme examples, like the triple product in nuclear fusion that has improved even faster than Moore’s law yet has generated approximately zero value for society thus far.
Side note: this claim about the triple product only seems to have been true until about the early 90s. Since the early 2000s there have been no demonstrated increases at all (though future increases are projected).
Lots of technologies advance rapidly at first, but Moore’s Law was exceptional in terms of how long it continued even after massive research efforts had picked the low hanging fruit.
Side note: this claim about the triple product only seems to have been true until about the early 90s. Since the early 2000s there have been no demonstrated increases at all (though future increases are projected).
See here:
Lots of technologies advance rapidly at first, but Moore’s Law was exceptional in terms of how long it continued even after massive research efforts had picked the low hanging fruit.