This is awesome! I cannot sufficiently express my admiration for trying to make these kinds of discussions transparent and accessible.
There’s a lot of surface area in this, even in the summary, so I don’t think I can do justice in a comment. I’ll instead just highlight a few things that resonated or confused me.
I don’t know if the ambiguity is intentional, but I’m put off by statements like “billions of dollars at stake”. If it’s just a shorthand for “now it’s real, and has real-world impact”, fine, but different readers will have very different emotional reactions to that framing. I can read it as semi-literal “things we say have some amount of influence over people who will spend billions of dollars in the next few years”, direct-literal “we have a budget in the billions that we’re directly allocating”, or hyperbolic “over the course of time, small improvements in thinking can shift billions of dollars in acting”, and those three interpretations somewhat change my reaction to the rest of the discussion. Also, if it’s the last one, you’re thinking too small. Billions isn’t that much in today’s world—if you can solve politics, you’re influencing at least trillions, and potentially beyond countable money.
It’s not clear (but you don’t list it as an important crux, so I’m confused), what that “precious thing” actually is. It may be the ability to be publicly admit epistemic uncertainty while still having public support (and money). It may be the ability to gracefully give up resources when it turns out you’re wrong. It may be the ability to call out errors (motivated or not, systemic or not) without defensive counter-accusations. It may be an assumption of cooperation, so not much effort needs to be spent on skepticism of intent (only on cooperative skepticism of data and models). It may be something else I haven’t identified. I suspect these are all related, but will need to be addressed separately.
The public vs private aspect is, I believe, far more critical than you seem to give it credit for. Especially if the $billions is other peoples’ money, you’ll need to deal with the fact that you’re discussing other peoples’ rationality (or lack thereof). If so, this is squarely in territory. And deeply related to questions of elitism vs populism, and how to accept the existence of power dynamics that are based on different criteria than you’d like.
By “billions of dollars are at stake” I concretely meant “OpenPhil exists, which LW has demonstrably had at least some influence on, which has influence over billions of dollars.” (And a couple other things in that reference class but lower order of magnitude, and potentially more things in the future at a higher order of magnitude)
There are other relevant things that _also_ change the landscape, but that was the reason I phrased it as “billions of dollars are at stake.”
It’s not clear (but you don’t list it as an important crux, so I’m confused), what that “precious thing” actually is. It may be the ability to be publicly admit epistemic uncertainty while still having public support (and money). It may be the ability to gracefully give up resources when it turns out you’re wrong. It may be the ability to call out errors (motivated or not, systemic or not) without defensive counter-accusations. It may be an assumption of cooperation, so not much effort needs to be spent on skepticism of intent (only on cooperative skepticism of data and models). It may be something else I haven’t identified. I suspect these are all related, but will need to be addressed separately.
The precious thing is all of those things and also other things. It’s generally “the ability to have good, real, rational discourse.”
It’s the sort of thing where getting more explicit about the thing might get in the way of clarity rather than improve it. See this comment by Zvi:
I notice that the best conversations I have about difficult to describe things definitely don’t involve making everything explicit, and they involve a lot of ‘do you understand what I’m saying?’ and ‘tell me if this resonates’ and ‘I’m thinking out loud, but maybe’.
And then I have insights that I find helpful, and I can’t figure out how to write them up, because they’d need to be explicit, and they aren’t, so damn. Or even, I try to have a conversation with someone else (in some recent cases, you) and share these types of things, and it feels like I have zero idea how to get into a frame where any of it will make any sense or carry any weight, even when the other person is willing to listen by even what would normally be strong standards.
(note: this is more antagonistic than I feel—I agree with much of the direction of this, and appreciate the discussion. But I worry that you’re ignoring a motivated blind spot in order to avoid biting some bullets).
So, there’s something precious that dissolves when defined, and only seems to occur in low-stakes conversations with a small number of people. It’s related to trust, ability to be wrong (and to point out wrongness). It feels like the ability to have rational discourse, but that feeling is not subject to rational discourse itself.
Is it possible that it’s not truth-seeking (or more importantly, truth itself) you’re worried about, but unstated friendly agreement to ignore some of the hard questions? In smaller, less important conversations, you let people get away with all sorts of simplifications, theoretical constructs, and superficial agreements, which results in a much more pleasant and confident feeling of epistemic harmony.
When it comes time to actually commit real resources, or take significant risks, however, you generally want more concrete and detailed agreement on what happens if you turn out to be incorrect in your stated, shared beliefs. Which indicates that you’re less confident than you appear to be. This feels bad, and it’s tempting for all participants to now accuse the other of bad faith. This happens very routinely in friends forming business partnerships, people getting married, etc.
Maybe it’s not a loss in truth-seeking ability, it’s a loss of the ILLUSION of truth-seeking ability. Humans vary widely in their levels of rationality, and in their capability to hold amounts of data and make predictions, and in their willingness to follow/override their illegible beliefs in favor of justifiable explicit ones. It’s not the case that the rationalist community is no better than average: we’re quite a bit better than average (and conversations like this may well improve it further). But average is TRULY abysmal.
I’ve long called it the “libertarian dilemma”: agency and self-rule and rational decision-making is great for me, and for those I know well enough to respect, but the median human is pretty bad at it, and half of them are worse than that. When you’re talking about influencing other people’s spending decisions, it’s a really tough call whether to nudge/manipulate them into making better decisions than they would if you neutrally present information in the way you (think you) prefer. Fundamentally, it may be a question of agency: do you respect people’s right to make bad decisions with their money/lives?
Is it possible that it’s not truth-seeking (or more importantly, truth itself) you’re worried about, but unstated friendly agreement to ignore some of the hard questions?
I think this is importantly not what’s going on here.
If anything, Ben’s position is something like the above sentence representing what I’ve been pushing towards (whether accidentally or on purpose), as opposed to “actually being able to have honest, truthseeking conversations about hard questions.”
And Ben’s whole point is that this is bad. (and the point of my original “precious thing” paragraph was trying communicate that I understood Ben’s concern, but was coming at it from a different angle, and that I also care about having honest, truthseeking conversations about hard things.)
[I’m not sure Ben would quite endorse this description though, and would be interested in him clarifying if it seemed off]
A major reason that private conversations are important, IMO, is that they enable people to talk through fuzzy things that are hard to articulate, but where you can ask probing questions that make sense to you-and-only-you in order to check whether you’re actually talking about the same, hard-to-articulate-thing. You can’t jump to making them explicit because you’re running off a collection of intuitions, with lots of experiences baked into your intuition. But in private conversation it’s easier (for me at least) to get a sense of whether you’re talking about the same pre-explicit thing.
(The problem with having the conversation in public is precisely that other people will be asking “wait, what precious thing, exactly?” which derails the high context conversation. There’s a sort of two-way-street that I think needs building, where people-who-have-high-context-conversations make more effort to write them up, but everyone else kinda accepts that it might not always be achievable for them to follow along that easily)
The problem with having the conversation in public is precisely that other people will be asking “wait, what precious thing, exactly?” which derails the high context conversation.
I get that, but if the high-context extensive private conversation doesn’t or can’t) identify the precious thing, it seems somewhat likely that either you’re both politely accepting that the other may be thinking about something else entirely, and/or it may not actually be a thing.
I very much like your idea that you should have the conversation with the default expectation of publishing at a later time. If you haven’t been able to agree on what the thing is by then, I think the other people asking “wait, what precious thing exactly” are probably genuinely confused.
Note that I realize and have not resolved the tension between my worry that indescribable things aren’t things, and my belief that much (and perhaps most) of human decision-making is based on illegible-but-valid beliefs. I wonder if at least some of this conversation is pointing to a tendency to leak illegible beliefs into intellectual discussions in ways that could be called “bias” or “deception” if you think the measurable world is the entirety of truth, but which could also be reasonably framed as “correction” or “debiasing” a limited partial view toward the holistic/invisible reality. I’m not sure I can make that argument, but I would respect it and take it seriously if someone did.
This is awesome! I cannot sufficiently express my admiration for trying to make these kinds of discussions transparent and accessible.
There’s a lot of surface area in this, even in the summary, so I don’t think I can do justice in a comment. I’ll instead just highlight a few things that resonated or confused me.
I don’t know if the ambiguity is intentional, but I’m put off by statements like “billions of dollars at stake”. If it’s just a shorthand for “now it’s real, and has real-world impact”, fine, but different readers will have very different emotional reactions to that framing. I can read it as semi-literal “things we say have some amount of influence over people who will spend billions of dollars in the next few years”, direct-literal “we have a budget in the billions that we’re directly allocating”, or hyperbolic “over the course of time, small improvements in thinking can shift billions of dollars in acting”, and those three interpretations somewhat change my reaction to the rest of the discussion. Also, if it’s the last one, you’re thinking too small. Billions isn’t that much in today’s world—if you can solve politics, you’re influencing at least trillions, and potentially beyond countable money.
It’s not clear (but you don’t list it as an important crux, so I’m confused), what that “precious thing” actually is. It may be the ability to be publicly admit epistemic uncertainty while still having public support (and money). It may be the ability to gracefully give up resources when it turns out you’re wrong. It may be the ability to call out errors (motivated or not, systemic or not) without defensive counter-accusations. It may be an assumption of cooperation, so not much effort needs to be spent on skepticism of intent (only on cooperative skepticism of data and models). It may be something else I haven’t identified. I suspect these are all related, but will need to be addressed separately.
The public vs private aspect is, I believe, far more critical than you seem to give it credit for. Especially if the $billions is other peoples’ money, you’ll need to deal with the fact that you’re discussing other peoples’ rationality (or lack thereof). If so, this is squarely in territory. And deeply related to questions of elitism vs populism, and how to accept the existence of power dynamics that are based on different criteria than you’d like.
By “billions of dollars are at stake” I concretely meant “OpenPhil exists, which LW has demonstrably had at least some influence on, which has influence over billions of dollars.” (And a couple other things in that reference class but lower order of magnitude, and potentially more things in the future at a higher order of magnitude)
There are other relevant things that _also_ change the landscape, but that was the reason I phrased it as “billions of dollars are at stake.”
The precious thing is all of those things and also other things. It’s generally “the ability to have good, real, rational discourse.”
It’s the sort of thing where getting more explicit about the thing might get in the way of clarity rather than improve it. See this comment by Zvi:
(note: this is more antagonistic than I feel—I agree with much of the direction of this, and appreciate the discussion. But I worry that you’re ignoring a motivated blind spot in order to avoid biting some bullets).
So, there’s something precious that dissolves when defined, and only seems to occur in low-stakes conversations with a small number of people. It’s related to trust, ability to be wrong (and to point out wrongness). It feels like the ability to have rational discourse, but that feeling is not subject to rational discourse itself.
Is it possible that it’s not truth-seeking (or more importantly, truth itself) you’re worried about, but unstated friendly agreement to ignore some of the hard questions? In smaller, less important conversations, you let people get away with all sorts of simplifications, theoretical constructs, and superficial agreements, which results in a much more pleasant and confident feeling of epistemic harmony.
When it comes time to actually commit real resources, or take significant risks, however, you generally want more concrete and detailed agreement on what happens if you turn out to be incorrect in your stated, shared beliefs. Which indicates that you’re less confident than you appear to be. This feels bad, and it’s tempting for all participants to now accuse the other of bad faith. This happens very routinely in friends forming business partnerships, people getting married, etc.
Maybe it’s not a loss in truth-seeking ability, it’s a loss of the ILLUSION of truth-seeking ability. Humans vary widely in their levels of rationality, and in their capability to hold amounts of data and make predictions, and in their willingness to follow/override their illegible beliefs in favor of justifiable explicit ones. It’s not the case that the rationalist community is no better than average: we’re quite a bit better than average (and conversations like this may well improve it further). But average is TRULY abysmal.
I’ve long called it the “libertarian dilemma”: agency and self-rule and rational decision-making is great for me, and for those I know well enough to respect, but the median human is pretty bad at it, and half of them are worse than that. When you’re talking about influencing other people’s spending decisions, it’s a really tough call whether to nudge/manipulate them into making better decisions than they would if you neutrally present information in the way you (think you) prefer. Fundamentally, it may be a question of agency: do you respect people’s right to make bad decisions with their money/lives?
I think this is importantly not what’s going on here.
If anything, Ben’s position is something like the above sentence representing what I’ve been pushing towards (whether accidentally or on purpose), as opposed to “actually being able to have honest, truthseeking conversations about hard questions.”
And Ben’s whole point is that this is bad. (and the point of my original “precious thing” paragraph was trying communicate that I understood Ben’s concern, but was coming at it from a different angle, and that I also care about having honest, truthseeking conversations about hard things.)
[I’m not sure Ben would quite endorse this description though, and would be interested in him clarifying if it seemed off]
A major reason that private conversations are important, IMO, is that they enable people to talk through fuzzy things that are hard to articulate, but where you can ask probing questions that make sense to you-and-only-you in order to check whether you’re actually talking about the same, hard-to-articulate-thing. You can’t jump to making them explicit because you’re running off a collection of intuitions, with lots of experiences baked into your intuition. But in private conversation it’s easier (for me at least) to get a sense of whether you’re talking about the same pre-explicit thing.
(The problem with having the conversation in public is precisely that other people will be asking “wait, what precious thing, exactly?” which derails the high context conversation. There’s a sort of two-way-street that I think needs building, where people-who-have-high-context-conversations make more effort to write them up, but everyone else kinda accepts that it might not always be achievable for them to follow along that easily)
I get that, but if the high-context extensive private conversation doesn’t or can’t) identify the precious thing, it seems somewhat likely that either you’re both politely accepting that the other may be thinking about something else entirely, and/or it may not actually be a thing.
I very much like your idea that you should have the conversation with the default expectation of publishing at a later time. If you haven’t been able to agree on what the thing is by then, I think the other people asking “wait, what precious thing exactly” are probably genuinely confused.
Note that I realize and have not resolved the tension between my worry that indescribable things aren’t things, and my belief that much (and perhaps most) of human decision-making is based on illegible-but-valid beliefs. I wonder if at least some of this conversation is pointing to a tendency to leak illegible beliefs into intellectual discussions in ways that could be called “bias” or “deception” if you think the measurable world is the entirety of truth, but which could also be reasonably framed as “correction” or “debiasing” a limited partial view toward the holistic/invisible reality. I’m not sure I can make that argument, but I would respect it and take it seriously if someone did.